Software Overview

WorkCenter Payroll

Medicaid Processing

Accounting Software

Nonprofit Payroll Software

Accounting Software
If you operate a work center, you understand that nonprofit accounting packages don’t have all the features you need to manage your contracts, and for profit accounting packages don’t address fund accounting and multiple fiscal years.

We at CBR, Inc. understand that, too. Our Accounting Software has been providing accurate, flexible, reliable and convenient accounting solutions to community rehabilitation programs (CRPs) and work centers since 1982. Windows-based versions are slated for release in the second half of 2005.

Developed with the same in-depth understanding of the needs of CRPs as our WorkCenter Payroll and Tracking Software, the Accounting Software is specifically designed to meet those needs, as well as provide comprehensive and up-to-date non-profit accounting. Its four fully integrated components are:
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • General Ledger
  • Inventory
Features of the Accounting Software include:
  • Easy customization
  • Fund balance accounting
  • Multiple cost centers
  • Fixed cycle closings or open posting
  • Multiple fiscal years and grant reporting
  • Bank reconciliation processing
  • Budget development and tracking
  • Flexible chart of accounts
  • Flexible inventory coding
  • Barcode interface
  • Laser check printing
  • Financial statements generated with just a few clicks
  • Easy conversion from other systems or spreadsheets
  • Fully integrated with CBR WorkCenter Payroll and Tracking Software and Medicaid Processing Software
  • Multiple security features
Take advantage of our CRP and work center expertise! Our Accounting Software makes accounting for your CRP easy, even if you aren’t an accountant. And, it can help you analyze performance and trends, manage cash, receivables, contracts and budgets, report to your board and funding sources, and comply with annual audit requirements.

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